The Power of Purpose: Sharing My "Why"

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I often talk about the power of purpose and making connections to your WHY.

Well, here's mine:

Your Happy Workplace was born from my experience with an extremely toxic workplace.

I was asking myself questions like "Does it have to be this way?"

Spoiler alert: hell no.

Many amazing people who start small businesses and are experts in their field need help developing their work culture

Many of those same people might not have the budget for a full time HR person or Chief People Officer.

So what can THOSE people do?

Answer: hire me.

Yes, I started my business to be more in the driver's seat of my professional life.

I want to create a work environment for myself where I can express my creativity, fully use my skills and talents, and be myself 100% of the time.

I also started Your Happy Workplace because I KNOW that small businesses need help when it comes to their work culture.

And when business leaders create work cultures by DESIGN instead of DEFAULT there is a ripple effect.

If we invest in our development not just as team members, but as HUMANS, can you imagine what kind of parents, spouses, partners, children, siblings, friends we would be to each other?

Can you imagine what our world would BE like and FEEL like if everyone felt fulfilled and inspired by their work life?

My vision for Your Happy Workplace is to make the world a better place, one work culture at a time.

There are lots of reasons people start a business, and this is mine.

What is yours?

Wendy Conrad